What is GA4? 

If you’re advanced enough to be reading this page, we trust you understand a lot about how Google Analytics works. (If you aren’t, check out our basic guide to Google Analytics).

But back to you advanced gurus…you may have heard that Google Analytics began updating Universal Analytics (also known as GA3 or UA) to a new, upgraded version, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) this past year. Google Analytics 4 is the updated version of Google Analytics.

There are many differences between the current Google Analytics you’re likely using (UA) and the new version of Google Analytics (GA4).  Not all of the features of UA are present in GA4.

Here’s another reason you should give SEO Design Chicago a call soon.

In just a few months, as of July 1, 2023, the free version of Google UA will no longer collect data.

That means that  just when you’re settling into a nice, long holiday weekend, you’ll realize that you can’t collect the data from your website that you once could.

SEO Design Chicago offers custom GA4 migration services for all kinds of websites including Shopify, Woocomerce and Magento ecommerce custom event installation.

Whether you are unsure how to go about migrating your accounts, are currently transitioning your accounts, or need an expert to audit your GA4 setup, we are here to help. 

What is GA4? 

You probably know Google Analytics. It is a popular tool used by websites and businesses to track everything from:

  • How visitors find your site (from social media, organic search, email newsletters or paid ads)
  • If they’re viewing your site on a desktop or a phone
  • What search terms they used to find your site

All GA4 means is that this new system is the fourth version of Google Analytics.

It’s all about  the future of GA.

If you’re using an earlier version of Google Analytics, you’ve gotten used to what the data tells you about your customers. But if you don’t upgrade to GA4, you will no longer have access to that information. We can help you.

What is So Great about GA4?

Now, you may be wondering why Google is tossing something new at you.

After all, you just got used to the old system. Are they making you learn something new just for fun?

No, no.

According to Google, the purpose of Google Analytics 4 is a next-gen approach to “privacy-first” tracking, x-channel measurement, and AI-based predictive data. Basically, this new version of Analytics can fill out data for website traffic and user behavior without relying on hits from every page.

The new GA4 can also fill in gaps for businesses that are caused by customers opting out of cookie usage and data collection. You don’t want to followed home, right? People don’t like to be followed online either. But Google has figured out a way to still understand what makes users visit a site, and leave it for another site. 

google analytics

Why Can’t You Just Do GA4 Migration Services on Your Own? 

Major tech changes like the shift from Universal Analytics to GA4 can cause a lot of stress for websites and businesses, especially during times like the ones we’re living in.

People are stressed about inflation, so they’re buying less.

You should focus your time on energy on meeting the needs of these customers, and figuring out your own budget. You should spend less time figuring out how to upgrade your Google Analytics.

Unfortunately, setting up Google Analytics 4 is not as easy as you might think. If you delete your UA properties before backing up your data, you could lose important information.

Fortunately, SEO Design Chicago is here to help with our professional Google Analytics 4 migration services. Our Google Analytics experts can help you update Google Analytics. We take the stress and hard work out of updating your Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4.

What are Events?

One big change between GA4 and earlier version is the way they measure “events.”  Events in GA4 are similar to UA setup, but you may need to set the tagging up again for GA4 goals.

Some events that you may have manually set up in the past, like how far people scroll down on a page until they think, “I understand now,” are now automatically added for you in GA4.

We think your best bet will be to contact us for help. But if you want to try this on your own, your first step should be to examine the Configure in the navigation. Your events are already stored here.  No need to recreate events that Google has already created for you!

Google Tag Manager is the easiest tool to use for this effort.

Had enough tech talk?  

Then just read this. Our migration services are personalized to fit each client’s needs. But generally, our GA4 migration services include: 

  • Setting up both basic and advanced tracking, including Google Tag Manager, e-commerce tracking, event tracking, and more
  • Configuring your user interface and custom reports 
  • Integrating your GA4 account with Google Ads
  • Exporting all historical data from Universal Analytics
  • Maintaining your historical data
  • And more.

Our GA4 migration services are entirely customized to fit your needs and budget. 

What’s New About Google Analytics 4?

Other than the new number at the end, Google Analytics 4 has a ton of new features.

This new version:

  • Collects both website and app data to help you better understand the customer journey
  • Uses event-based data instead of session-based
  • Includes privacy controls like cookieless measurement and behavioral and conversion modeling
  • Predictive capabilities that offer guidance without complex models
  • Direct integrations to media platforms help drive actions on your website or app 

In addition to the new features in GA4, the user interface is also very different. We’ll work out a way to help you understand the new system, or handle it for you indefinitely. Tech is our specialty. Your specialty is selling products and services.

What’s the Deal with Shopify and GA4?

If your ecommerce site utilizes Shopify tools, you really want to pay attention to how GA4 is affecting your business.

One of the most popular services we offer is Shopify Custom Event Tracking Setup for GA4.  Our team can go into your Shopify store and custom install all of the tracking needed so that you are able to connect cost data, inventory names and descriptions so that they all flow into your GA4 profile.

SETup my GA 4 Event Tracking for my Shopify Store
ua to ga4

Not to Stress You Out, but You Need to Migrate to GA4 by July 1

Hey…we don’t want to rush you. But starting July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will no longer process data. For a limited period of time after July 1, you’ll be able to see your UA reports. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties. That is why it is of the utmost importance that you migrate from Universal Analytics to GA4 ahead of time. Don’t spend Independence Day worrying about your website. We’ll take care of it long before this date. 

Differences Between Google Analytics and GA4 

The primary difference between the old Google Analytics and GA4 is the user interface. You will not find many of the old default reports and features that you are used to in the new Google Analytics. The old Analytics features three tiers of data organization, Account > Property > View, but now there are only two: account and property. 

There are also several differences in data collection between UA and GA4 properties, especially how data is defined and what data elements are called. The following are some of the concepts in GA4: 

  • Events: These are user interactions with a website or app like page views, button clicks, user actions, and more. In the old Analytics, events required customized code, but now they are measured by default. 
  • Parameters: Parameters are extra bits of information that give context to each event. For instance, a parameter can be used to describe the value of a purchase. 
  • User Property: These are demographic details about the user.
  • User ID: User ID is used for cross-platform user tracking.
ua vs ga4

Why Choose SEO Design Chicago for GA4 Migration Services

We were using Google Analytics when it first launched. Other companies don’t understand the history of Google Analytics the way we do. If you want to eventually learn the ins and outs of Google Analytics on your own, we’ll even train you. 

Did You Already Upgrade to Google Analytics 4?

Good for you! But you may want to make sure you did it correctly.  You could likely use our Google Analytics 4 audit services. Our Google Analytics professionals can audit your accounts and ensure they are configured correctly and fit your needs. If you need help debugging GA4, we are ready to help you.

website audit

3 Ways To Set up Google Analytics 4 on Your Own

We’re not just out for your money. If you need to get started with Google Analytics 4, there are three ways to do so.

  1. You must be an editor or administrator. 
  2. Decide where you are in the process.  The first option is to set up Analytics data collection for the first time. This is the best option if you are new to Analytics and ready to collect data for your website and/or app.The second option is to add Google Analytics 4 to a site with Universal Analytics. 
  3. The third option is to add Google Analytics 4 to a CMS (content management system) or website builder platform like WordPress, Wix, Drupal, Squarespace, GoDaddy, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento and more. 

If you are unsure which option is the best for your website, that is what the Google Analytics experts at SEO Design Chicago are for! We will help you determine the best way to migrate from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 for your own individual needs. 

Other Analytics and Data Services From SEO Design Chicago

In addition to our Google Analytics 4 migration services, we also offer other web analytics and reporting services, including:

google analytics data

Why Do I Need a GA4 Upgrade?

Every website that utilizes Google Analytics will need to migrate to Google Analytics 4. There will be no additional Google Analytics updates. The sooner you upgrade to GA4, the more time you will have to compare your current data in GA3 to the new GA4 data. 

Can I Update Google Analytics On My Own?

It is not recommended that you go about updating Google Analytics on your own, unless you are experienced. SEO Design Chicago is a Google Certified Partner who you can trust to handle your migration.


GA4 Migration Services from SEO Design Chicago

It’s time to upgrade Google Analytics for your website. Our team of GA4 experts is ready to help you migrate your account and audit your setup for you today. From sharing reports in GA4 to measuring Facebook performance in GA4, we can help you do it all. We make sure that no tracking gets left behind! Contact SEO Design Chicago today to set up your own customized GA4 migration services.

Marketing automation software

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